How to Delete Your Spotify Account [Quick Guide]
how to delete your Spotify account QUICK ANSWER
How to delete your Spotify account. If you don’t know, don’t worry; we are here to tell you the easy process to delete your Spotify account.

First, you must know that when you want to delete your account, the deleting process is only done on the official Spotify website using a browser. It is not done with app.
If you follow the above process, you can easily delete your Spotify account.
Note: If you have a premium plan on Spotify, you need to cancel your subscription first. If you don’t know how to cancel your Spotify premium subscription, don’t worry; we have a solution.
Delete Your Spotify Account on the Web or Desktop
In this article, I am sharing with you how you can permanently delete your Spotify account with the step-by-step guide given below in detailed form. To delete a Spotify account, you must know if you are using free version of Spotify. Just follow below steps to delete your account. but if you have an active premium plan in your account, you must deactivate or cancel your subscription.
First of all, this process is not complete using mobile/desktop app. To complete this process of deleting your account, only access it via web browser using official website. Check Below are the steps to delete the account:.
Delete Your Spotify Account on iPhone and Android
All the above steps to delete your Spotify account on the web are also the same as on Android or iPhone. You can also follow all the above steps for android as well as iOS to delete your Spotify account
What to Know Before Deleting Your Account
Important thing you know about before of deleting your account are only one important thing. The thing is, if you are a free user, just follow above steps and solve your problem. If you are not a free user of Spotify and you use the premium plan, you must first unsubscribe from your premium plan, and before you follow all the above steps, if you don’t know how to cancel your Spotify premium plan,. Just search it in our website.
The above steps working 100% Just follow the steps carefully, and you can easily permanently delete your Spotify account. It is very easy.
But remember that about free and premium plan difference. All the details mentioned above. We hope this article helps you solve your problem If anything is not working, please let us know in the comment section below. We also try to solve your error about this process.
How to reopen your Spotify account
It’s good news for Spotify users. you make a decision and delete your account permanently with above process. Now you change your mindset and want to recover your account, but you don’t know how to do it.
Don’t worry. we are here for you. When you receive the link through email, just send them an additional email to reactivate your account. But remember, this link is only valid for 7 days.